The Academic Planning Committee (APC) is a university-wide group responsible for formulating and recommending academic and planning goals and initiatives for UNL in the areas of education (resident and extension), research, and service to the Faculty Senate, Colleges, and Chancellor. These goals are coordinated with the responsibilities assigned to UNL as part of the structure under the control of the President of the University of Nebraska and the Board of Regents.
Specifically, the Committee:
- Recommends actions and procedures for new and existing academic programs.
- Reviews with the Chancellor or appropriate Vice Chancellors the Comprehensive Facilities Plan, the campus master land-use plan, and facilities needs as they relate to academic and support program goals.
- Is empowered to recommend changes in programs, including elimination.
- Encourages academic planning within the colleges and other units of UNL on continuing basis through joint faculty-administrative-student action. The Committee comments on the review process and visiting team report to the appropriate Vice Chancellor.
The APC consists of the following members: eight faculty members elected as provided by the Faculty Senate; one non-tenure track faculty member selected by the Faculty Senate; one faculty member at large selected by the UNL Graduate Council; two academic deans; one undergraduate student and one graduate/professional student as selected by the President of ASUN; President of the Faculty Senate, or designee; the Associate to the Chancellor; the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs; the Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development.