Procedures To Be Invoked For Significant Budget Reallocations And Reductions

Revised and Approved by the Academic Planning Committee February 9, 2011; the Faculty Senate March 1, 2011; and the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska March 9, 2011;
Revised and Approved by the Academic Planning Committee March 28, 2019; the Faculty Senate April 23, 2019; and the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska May 18, 2020; the Academic Planning Committee, September 14, 2022; the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska October 12, 2022; the Faculty Senate November 1, 2022.


This document1 establishes budget reallocation and reduction procedures at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln for academic and support and service programs in circumstances where significant budget reallocations or reductions are required. While regular biennial budget planning may draw upon some aspects of the procedures included in this document, it is anticipated that the procedures herein will be used principally in budget cycles where there are significant internally or externally driven budget shortfalls. It supersedes all other campus level documents that address budget reallocation or reduction procedures, except the Bylaws of the Board of Regents and the UNL Bylaws.

In accordance with the UNL Bylaws, the Academic Planning Committee adopted this document on November 11, 1992. It was approved by the Academic Senate on December 8, 1992 and approved by the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska on February 3, 1993. The Academic Planning Committee promulgated this document on February 10, 1993.

The premise of these procedures asserts that budget reallocations and reductions are most rationally, efficiently, and equitably accomplished as aspects of a dynamic and ongoing strategic and budgetary planning process. Therefore, the process detailed in this document should be built on a UNL strategic plan that includes institutional goals and a vision for the future. It is also assumed that the biennial budget-making process relates the needs and priorities of the university to its resources. Indeed, the administrators of the university are continually evaluating external factors that can affect the university’s revenue, including emerging opportunities for, as well as threats to the university’s programs. Adjusting the university’s academic and support programs to respond to an ever changing environment is an essential and critical role of administration. Most adjustments will happen outside the process described by this document. The procedures described here are only invoked in case of significant reduction to the university revenue and/or a significant reallocation of funding.

In the spirit of shared governance these procedures provide opportunities for discussion, consultation and negotiation among participants. The participants include students, staff, faculty, department chairs and heads, unit directors, college deans, vice chancellors and the chancellor.

This document reaffirms the role of the Academic Planning Committee (APC) in reviewing and proposing the change or elimination of programs, as outlined in University of Nebraska-Lincoln Bylaws, Section 1.7. This role of the APC can best be achieved by regular and open communication and interaction with the chancellor on the full range of academic matters before the university, irrespective of any specific budget reallocation/reduction episode.

1 This document was originally prepared by a committee of current and former Academic Planning Committee members, then Chancellor Graham Spanier and Professor George Tuck, then President of the UNL Academic Senate. This current version was approved in 2011.